Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Time

Well this is my first time posting here and even though I have thought about my life and current situation I find that I am at a loss as to offer anything in the way of promise. Don't get me wrong here,,, I have had many blessings bestowed upon me by God and by my family and the love that comes from them are genuinely huge!! I have though for the past year found it very difficult to function in the community at large due to the many faces of distrust and cold attitudes. I would like to see people such as myself truly accepted by our community, our Churches and our friends not by simply paying us lip service but but by action. I have been turned away by my home Church organizations, by potential employers and yes, even by certain family members. I cannot enter into a relationship for fear that my past will be thrown up in my face or that it will harm those that I have come to love. What I do have though is hope, hope in God and hope in my true friends, friends that have accepted me for my past and for the promise of the future.

I will be back to share more in the very near future so please follow me if you will and feel free to comment along the way, for me it means a lot and I know that you will be a light for my journey!!!

If anyone gets a chance to read this and shares a situation such as mine I want you to know this: There are some truly good and caring people out there and it may take you a while to find them but please hang in there and never give up. We have, through our personal experience, the ability to make a difference in the lives of many by demonstrating unconditional love and in this lies our hope.

May God bless all of you!


Bill Karabinus