Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 and Forgiveness...

All week I have been watching and remembering the attack on our country that took place 10 years ago today and I am both saddened at the event itself and my continuing attitude toward it. It seems I cannot forgive...

My Christian faith has taught me all of my life that I should forgive the transgressions of my enemies and I do, but I cannot seem to let this one go. What does the Lord think of my selfishness? How will I be punished for my transgression? I can honestly say that when I see people of the Muslim faith in my community I do not feel hatred toward them nor do I honestly hate anyone so where does this leave me? I seem so very small in my inability to forgive this great tragedy yet I see no answer.

In my 52 years I have seen so many things in so many different places. I have been hurt by those I love the most, I have been hurt by the very system I live by and I have seen acts committed by people I thought were beyond reproach, yet forgiveness has always been easy for me. I see us all as flawed, finite individuals who are capable of striking out at one another when we feel we have been wronged in one way or another. I have seen anger and violence and have been a part of it myself on more occasions than I care to admit but I have always forgiven and have received forgiveness in return. So, why in this instance can I not forgive? I do not have the answer to this today nor do I see an answer coming to me any time soon.

All I can ask today is forgiveness for this, another one of my personal wrongs and I pray that God answers my prayer.

Have a wonderful day my friends and may God bless us all...