Friday, February 3, 2012

**The Living Through Faith Foundation**

January saw the launch of my Legacy Foundation and it is called "Living Through Faith." This foundation was set up so that the message of hope can be spread to the many that are suffering from terminal illness. There are so many people out there who are dying right now, and by right now I mean WHILE YOU ARE READING THIS MESSAGE! It is my plan to share my journey with others so that they too can be brought out of their fears and into a light of healing grace the same as I was. The grace I am talking about is a free gift that comes from God, the gift of eternal life. I know that no matter what, no matter how deep this cancer takes me I will never die, not really.

It is my wish, my plan to travel to our local (and even farther) hospitals, hospices and nursing homes spreading the message of eternal life to the men, women and children who are suffering from fear, fear brought about by the diagnoses of a terminal illness. I want them to know that there is hope for a tomorrow for all of us as long as we have faith. Faith breeds hope and hope brings us peace, that inner peace that only God can give. So, why don't you join me on this journey, my journey of hope so that together we can bring people back to their lives and stop them from cowering and hiding in fear of death. I personally know what it feels like to be told that death is right around the corner and that death will come from a deadly disease that there is virtually no help in beating. Pancreatic cancer only has a 6% survival rate and that's not much but with my faith in God I have passed the one year mark and am doing fine. Now its my turn to share this with others and hopefully spread out from the local areas to the entire state! With your help this can be done and maybe even more. Along with my message of hope I have resources that I can give to help those in need with many of stumbling blocks we find along the way. There are many groups out there who help with many needs we face, needs like medication, insurance and so much more. And with your help I can bring all of this into the lives of those suffering.

Please join us and do what you can. Every little bit helps, every little bit is a tank of gas, a cartridge of ink to process the lists of resources, some stamps and envelopes to get the message into the hands of those I cannot reach out to personally at this moment. With you I can do this, do it every day and bring a message of eternal life and hope to the many.

Please visit our website and read my stories. Take a moment and pray with us and then consider a donation of any size to help.

Gods peace to all of you and may your life never be touched by any kind of terrible illness.


Bill Karabinus
The Living Through Faith Foundation


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