Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How Important is Faith-Filled Prayer in my Life?

For several years now I have been doing my best to increase my faith and become the best person I can be but I have to admit that I am sidetracked from this pursuit by the many obstacles we face every day as members of the human race. I have been struggling to find a job while undergoing chemo treatments for pancreatic cancer which for the most part has left me disabled. Finding a company that will take this type of risk is an obstacle in itself, so what did I do you ask? Well I fell back on prayer, the basic foundation of our spiritual life. Jesus has told me in many words, in many places in His Word that if I were to hear the knock I should open the door and let Him into my life. Well I have and He has shown me more than the basic message of salvation. He has shown me unconditional love in all areas of my life and He has shown that He has faith in me. This alone has opened many other avenues in my life and has taken me in many different directions. I know that when a child is shown unconditional love by a parent this child has the confidence to pursue the many delights of childhood with a smile. As an adult it gives me the same confidence and that in itself breeds tenacity which alone is man’s best friend. Tenacity is required in everything these days due to the state of affairs in our country. I remember when I was comfortable making a decent living and paying my bills with enough left over to go see a movie or to buy my daughter something that she had been badgering me for. Holidays were great instead of being a burden and paying for an education was something that was doable if one were careful. Well all these things are gone now and not likely to return so again I ask what does one do? Pray……

For me faith and prayer have become the most important things in my life. I had struggled for so long trying to accomplish things but lacked direction, lacked a basic foundation and when this happens no matter what you do or what you accomplish in the end it turns out to be for nothing. The most important things in life seem to fade away and sometimes vanish all together. Sometimes they turn into nightmares that take years to escape from never knowing whether the fault was yours or if your failure came from some outside influence.  Through prayer I have found that I can put all this behind me and start fresh every day. I know that Jesus walks with me in all that I do and every time I realize this I am forever grateful. This all brings a picture of that ole poem “Footprints in the Sand” to mind. You know the one used for funerals and such? Well it’s true and it should not be placed in the context of reflection at the end of one’s life, it can be applied to everyday situations right now! Jesus carries me every day in all that I do because I know that being left alone I will fall. I have heard many people say “My prayers are never answered so there is no God.” Well this is just not true. God answers my prayers everyday by not only bringing me peace of mind but by giving me the proper direction that my thoughts and desires should go. Just today I was meditating on the daily reading when God placed a question upon me. What direction did the thoughts of the Pharisees in the synagogue take when Jesus was teaching with upmost authority? What did they think when he took time to heal the man possessed by the unclean spirit? If I remember right they used this act to portray Jesus as a follower of the evil one having power over the things of darkness. They never once stated that maybe this man who taught with authority had much to offer. Never once did they say that this man who has power over unclean spirits must have the power of the Father. No, they had to turn it all into negativity so that they could justify their own earthly mistakes so, what do you think and what would you have said? For me it is the simple things such as this that give me direction and it all comes from contemplative prayer, simple prayer that I employ every day before I take on the days tasks.  Through prayer I not only find direction but I find purpose and that lets me know that I am indeed loved by the Father for if He did not need me he would not lead me.

All in all I use faith-filled prayer in my life every day and I encourage you to do the same. How can one go wrong by going directly to the source of love? How can a person go wrong by trusting the only constant in the entire universe? Well I know that I can’t so tomorrow when I make the sign of the cross I want you to know that I am praying for you so that you too may find this source of strength and love.

Be good to one another today and say a prayer for yourself. No matter what you have been told there is nothing wrong in that because the stronger you are the greater you can be for those that love and need you.

“I am not alone because the Father is with me…” John 16:32 (NAB)

God bless you all my friends and know that you are loved and always in my prayers…   

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